1. You're on the first slide in the presentation, an then after clicking on a shape you jump to another slide .what was added to this presentation to make this happen?

A:a slide transition
B:a clip art image
C:a text animation
D:an action button

2. which of the following choices names three natural disasters?
A:earthquakes, building demolitions,and floods.
B:hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcano's
C:tsunamis, winter storms, and terrorism
D:flu epidemics, landslides, and tornado's

3. In your presentation you added a text box to ______.

A:Cite a source
B:insert a footer
C:insert a header
D:insert a footnote

D an action button

B hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanos
A cite a source

1. B


1.which of the following choice names are three natural disasters

1. B hurricanes earthquakes and volcanoes

2. D action button

3. A cite a source
Here are the real answers first.trust me you will past the test! 100%! I got a 100%

I take the test for connections academy and here are the answer

1: B
2: D
3: A
100% for sure


I promise this will get you a 100%

i think 2 is B

2. B is correct if you spell the plural of "volcano" correctly.

The answers to the other two MUST be in your very specific text or study guide ... or you can open the PowerPoint program, press the F1 key, and search.

so whats 1 and 2

i mean whats the answer to question 1 and 3

I don't know since I've done only the simplest things on PowerPoint.

The only things I'm sure of are that 1 is not "C" and 3 is not "A."

Surely you have a textbook or online text materials or access to a good search engine (and know how to use one).

Help anybody

i think 1 is A and 3 is b?

Kylie is correct 100%

You're on the first slide in the presentation, an then after clicking on a shape you jump to another slide .what was added to this presentation to make this happen?

its action button

Kylie You are WRONG

1 is, "D"

2 is, "B"
3 I think I don't know.

It's D, B, and A

Hello there is correccttttt

#2 is not d because a flu epidemic is not "natural" disaster.

a natural disaster comes from nature.

Adri, no tutor will give you the answers. Follow Writeacher's advice.



100% on connexus