What is the principal part of the italicized verb in this sentence from “The StoryTeller”?

The aunt suppressed a gasp of admiration.

present participle
past participle

2. Which sentence uses the same principal part as the previous question? (1 point)

The children sat on the bench.
The children had sat on the bench.
The children are sitting on the bench.
The children sit on the bench.

3. In which sentence is the word immensely used correctly? (1 point)
The woman put her jacket on immensely.
The child said she liked the cake immensely.
"Sit down!" said the aunt immensely.
The runner finished the race immensely.

1 and 3 are right

2 is wrong.


Dude I know you changed names and said the first username is right bruh

I'll be glad to check your answers, Caitlyn.

Okay would Question 1. Be past, Would Question 2. Be B, And will Question 3, be The child said she liked the cake immensely?

Is the 2 question A?

the answer is b



I suggest you leave each other alone

7. Attack


Yes. 2. A.

okay can u help me on this one

Which answer choice contains the past participle of the verb talk? (1 point)
had talked (picked this one)
was talking

Yes. You're right. Talked is the past participle.