A number containing no zeros changed to 901400 after it was rounded. To what place was it rounded and why?


To determine the place at which the number was rounded, we can reverse-engineer the process. Let's break down the given number: 901400.

We know that the number contains no zeros initially, so it must have been rounded up or down to end up with a zero in the units place.

Let's consider two scenarios:

1. If the number was rounded up:
In this case, the original number was likely closer to 901500 or a larger number that rounds to 901500 when rounded to the nearest ten.

2. If the number was rounded down:
In this case, the original number was likely closer to 901300 or a smaller number that rounds to 901300 when rounded to the nearest ten.

Now, we need to compare the two scenarios and determine which one is more probable based on the given information.

Since the number is 901400, which is closer to 901500 (rounded up scenario), we can conclude that the number was rounded up to the nearest ten.

Therefore, the original number was likely rounded to the tens place, resulting in 901400.

To summarize, the number was rounded to the nearest ten because 901400 is closer to 901500 than any other number that rounds to 901300.