If you were reading a story and you came across a word you don't know, where would be the first place you would look for a definition -- glossary or a dictionary?

I think glossary am i correct?

No. Most stories don't have a glossary.

If you come across a word you don't know while reading a story, the first place you would typically look for a definition is a dictionary. A dictionary provides a comprehensive list of words and their meanings, along with additional information such as pronunciation, usage, and etymology. You can find both print and online dictionaries to help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

On the other hand, a glossary is a separate section found at the end of a book that specifically provides definitions for terms or jargon used within that specific book or field of study. Glossaries are usually included in textbooks, manuals, or technical books where there may be specialized terminology that the reader might not be familiar with. They are helpful for providing context-specific definitions but may not cover every word you come across in a story.

So, in most cases, if you encounter an unfamiliar word while reading a story, it is more likely that you would find a definition in a dictionary rather than in a glossary.