two fathers and two sons went out to eat for burgers everyone got a burger but only three were eaten how is this possible

grandfather, son, grandson


This is possible if the group consists of a grandfather, a father, and a son. In this case, there are three people: the grandfather who is also a father to the father and a grandfather to the son, the father who is also a son to the grandfather, and the son who is also a grandson to the grandfather. Each of them gets a burger, so three burgers in total are eaten.

This is a classic riddle that involves a play on words and familial relationships. The solution lies in examining the relationships between the people involved. Let's break it down step by step to understand how it is possible:

Step 1: Identify the people involved
The riddle states that two fathers and two sons went out to eat for burgers. So, we have:
- Two fathers
- Two sons

Step 2: Determine how many people ate the burgers
The riddle mentions that everyone got a burger, but only three were eaten. So, we need to figure out who actually ate the burgers.

Step 3: Analyze the relationships
Since we have two fathers and two sons, it means that one of the fathers is also a son and one of the sons is also a father. This indicates that there are three generations involved: grandfather, father, and son.

Step 4: Assign roles
Let's name the three generations:

- Grandfather (Fathers)
- Father (Also a son)
- Son

Step 5: Solve the riddle
Now, considering the familial relationships and the fact that everyone got a burger, we can infer that the three burgers were eaten by the grandfather, father, and son. So, to summarize:
- The son is the only person who did not eat a burger.

Hence, it is possible for everyone to have gotten a burger but only three were eaten because one person did not eat.