The severity of side effects experienced by patients while being treated with a particular medicine is under study. The severity is measured on the scale: none, mild, moderate, severe, very severe.

a. Name the variable of interest.
b. Identify the type of variable.

I answered A. The variable of interest is the severity but it's not correct. Why is it not correct?
They are qualitative variables except Age..
can someone please explain this for me? thanks!!!

I apologize for any confusion. The variable of interest in this study is indeed the severity of side effects. However, the question is referring to the type of variable, not the actual variable itself. The type of variable refers to how the variable is measured or classified.

In this case, the severity of side effects is a qualitative variable because it cannot be measured numerically. It is categorized into different levels: none, mild, moderate, severe, and very severe. These categories do not have a numerical value associated with them, but they describe different levels of severity.

On the other hand, age is an example of a quantitative variable, as it can be measured numerically. For instance, we can measure a person's age in years, months, or days. Numeric variables can also be continuous (e.g., temperature) or discrete (e.g., number of side effects), depending on the nature of the data collected.

In summary, the severity of side effects variable is of interest in the study, while its type is qualitative as it is categorized into different levels, and age is an example of a quantitative variable that can be measured numerically.