Helen collect 4 quarters ,492 nickels and 212 pennies . She wanted to divide them into 4 equal groups of quarters ,pennies ,and nickels.how many of each type of coin were in each group ?

492/4 = ?

212/4 = ?


You're welcome.

I kinda get it but what is the answer?

To divide the coins into four equal groups, we need to determine the number of quarters, nickels, and pennies in each group.

Helen collects 4 quarters, 492 nickels, and 212 pennies.

To find the number of coins in each group, we need to divide the total number of coins by 4.

For quarters: 4 / 4 = 1 quarter in each group

For nickels: 492 / 4 = 123 nickels in each group

For pennies: 212 / 4 = 53 pennies in each group

Therefore, in each group, there would be 1 quarter, 123 nickels, and 53 pennies.