Are these sentences correct?

J’aime jouer au basket le dimanche à deux heures de l’après-midi.

J’aime courir le mardi à six heures du soir.

J’aime écrire le mercredi à dix heures du matin.

J’aime jouer au tennis le mardi à midi.

J'aime aller à la piscine le lundi à sept heures du soir.

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.


Sra (aka Mme)

Yes, all of these sentences are grammatically correct in French. They all follow the pattern "J'aime + verb + le + day of the week + à + time of day".

To form similar sentences, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the phrase "J'aime" (which means "I like").
2. Choose a verb that describes an activity you enjoy doing. For example, "jouer" (to play), "courir" (to run), "écrire" (to write), or "aller" (to go).
3. Add the specific day of the week. For example, "le dimanche" (on Sunday), "le mardi" (on Tuesday), "le mercredi" (on Wednesday), or "le lundi" (on Monday).
4. Specify the time of day using the formula "à + time in French". For example, "à deux heures de l'après-midi" (at two o'clock in the afternoon), "à six heures du soir" (at six o'clock in the evening), "à dix heures du matin" (at ten o'clock in the morning), or "à midi" (at noon).
5. Combine all the elements together to create your sentence.

Remember to adjust the verb and time of day based on your preferred activity and schedule.