To what number does 153 rounded to the nearest hundred? Use the number line to explain why.

To round 153 to the nearest hundred, we need to determine whether it is closer to 100 or 200 on the number line.

Let's start by finding the midpoint between 100 and 200, which is 150.

153 is closer to 150 than to 100 because it is only 3 units away from 150, while it is 53 units away from 100.

Therefore, when rounding 153 to the nearest hundred, it will be rounded to 200 since it is closer to 200 than 100 on the number line.

To find the number to which 153 is rounded to the nearest hundred, we can use a number line. A number line is a visual representation of numbers in sequential order.

First, let's locate 153 on the number line. We start at 0 and count by ones until we reach 153.

0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 152, 153

Next, we need to determine the two nearest hundred numbers to 153 on the number line. In this case, the two nearest hundred numbers are 100 and 200.

Now, we compare the distance between 153 and 100, and the distance between 153 and 200.

153 is closer to 200 (a distance of 47 units) than it is to 100 (a distance of 53 units).

Since we are rounding to the nearest hundred, we need to consider which hundred is closer to 153. In this case, 200 is closer to 153 than 100.

Therefore, when rounding 153 to the nearest hundred, it rounds to 200.

so, use the number line. Which hundred is closest to 153?
