2,071,463,548 place value

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what is the place value for 2,071,463,548?

To determine the place value of each digit in the number 2,071,463,548, let's break down the number:

2,000,000,000 (Two billion)
70,000,000 (Seventy million)
1,000,000 (One million)
400,000 (Four hundred thousand)
60,000 (Sixty thousand)
3,000 (Three thousand)
500 (Five hundred)
40 (Forty)
8 (Eight)

Here is the breakdown of the place value for each digit:

- The digit 2 is in the billions place.
- The digit 0 in the billions place denotes zero billions.
- The digit 7 is in the ten millions place.
- The digit 1 is in the millions place.
- The digit 4 is in the hundred thousands place.
- The digit 6 is in the ten thousands place.
- The digit 3 is in the thousands place.
- The digit 5 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 4 is in the tens place.
- The digit 8 is in the ones place.

To understand the place value of a number, let's break down the number 2,071,463,548.

The digit at the rightmost place is known as the "ones" place or the units place. In this case, the digit 8 is in the ones place.

Moving to the left, the next place is the "tens" place. The digit 4 is in the tens place.

The next place to the left is the "hundreds" place. The digit 5 is in the hundreds place.

Continuing to the left, we have the "thousands" place. The digit 3 is in the thousands place.

After the thousands place, we have the "ten thousands" place. The digit 6 is in the ten thousands place.

Then, we have the "hundred thousands" place. The digit 4 is in the hundred thousands place.

Moving further left, we have the "millions" place. The digit 1 is in the millions place.

Next, we have the "ten millions" place. The digit 6 is in the ten millions place.

After that, we have the "hundred millions" place. The digit 3 is in the hundred millions place.

Lastly, we have the "billions" place. The digit 2 is in the billions place.

Therefore, in the number 2,071,463,548, the digit 2 is in the billions place.