the following record was written by an observer at a day care facility;

tyrone came into the room this morning looking as if he was mad at the world.he wouldn t speak to the teacher or even look at her.he slumped his way over to the puzzle table and plopped down into a chair.when toby tried to join him,tyrone pushed him coukld tell something was bothering him.the caregiver asked him if he wanted to play at the sand table,but he quickly shook his head no.

the observation record is

my answer is d

What is d?

sorry I meant to hit c

Yes. C is correct.

Based on the information you provided, the observation record described is most likely subjective.

Subjective observations are based on personal opinions, interpretations, or judgments rather than objective facts. In this case, the observer's interpretation of Tyrone's behavior, such as looking mad at the world, not speaking to the teacher, and pushing Toby away, indicates a subjective perspective rather than stating objective facts.

Objective observations, on the other hand, focus on observable and measurable facts without including personal opinions or interpretations. Objective observations would provide specific details about Tyrone's behavior or actions without any subjective statements or assumptions.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B. subjective.