Hi so I read the book The Impossible Rescue by Martin Sandler and I need 3 main ideas and 3 pieces of evidence for each can someone help me I am having a really hard time?

Since you've read the book, you must have some idea of the main ideas.

If you have read the book, you should know what it's about. If you can't remember what you have read once you've read it, perhaps this review of the book will jog your memory.


Of course! I can help you identify three main ideas from the book "The Impossible Rescue" by Martin Sandler, along with three pieces of evidence to support each idea. However, since I'm an AI text-based model, I don't have access to specific details of the book. Nevertheless, I can offer you a general approach to finding supporting evidence for your main ideas.

Here's a step-by-step process you can follow:

1. Skim through the book: Start by skimming through the book and identifying the major events, themes, and topics discussed by the author. Read the chapter titles, headings, and subheadings to get an overview of the content.

2. Identify main ideas: Once you have a general understanding of the book's content, try to identify the three main ideas that stand out to you the most. These ideas should be significant and recurring themes within the book.

3. Locate evidence: Look for specific passages, quotes, or examples that directly support or illustrate each main idea. Pay attention to descriptive language, facts, statistics, dialogue, or any other evidence that can help substantiate those ideas.

Remember, the evidence you gather should be directly related to the main idea and come from the book itself. Avoid including your personal opinions or interpretations without adequate supporting evidence from the text.

While I may not have access to the book's content, this framework should assist you in identifying the main ideas and finding evidence to support them. If you need further guidance or have any specific questions about the book, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!