In February 1992, a representative of the Catholic Church in Puerto Rico gave a radio interview (broadcast on National Public Radio) in which he said that the Church was against the use of condoms. Even though the rate of AIDS infection in Puerto Rico is much higher than on the U.S. mainland, the spokesman said that the Church could not support the use of condoms because they are not absolutely reliable in preventing the spread of the disease. ¡§If you could prove that condoms were absolutely dependable in preventing a person from contracting AIDS, then the Church could support their use.¡¨


The representative of the Catholic Church in Puerto Rico stated that the Church is against the use of condoms because they believe condoms are not absolutely reliable in preventing the spread of AIDS. However, if it could be proven that condoms are indeed absolutely dependable in preventing AIDS transmission, the Church could support their use.

To answer your question, we can explore the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of AIDS.

There are several ways to gather information on the subject. One way is to examine scientific studies and research conducted on the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. These studies often involve observing the rate of transmission among individuals who consistently and correctly use condoms compared to those who do not use them.

Another approach is to consult reputable health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These organizations often provide information and guidelines based on scientific research and expert opinions.

By reviewing the available scientific evidence and expert opinions, one can gain a better understanding of the effectiveness and reliability of condoms in preventing the spread of AIDS. It's important to consider multiple sources of information to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Ultimately, it is up to individuals and communities to weigh the available evidence and make informed decisions regarding the use of condoms in preventing the spread of AIDS. The stance of the Catholic Church, as expressed by their representative, is based on their interpretation of the available evidence and their religious beliefs.