Which of the following best describes the Framers’ intentions concerning the relationship between state and federal courts?

A.Federal courts were to be the primary courts under the Constitution, hearing all important cases, i.e., felony
criminal proceedings.
B.The Constitution created a system of federal courts to hear all cases and abolished the state court systems.
C.The Constitution did not create any federal courts and specifically acknowledged the jurisdiction of state co
urts over all cases, federal and state.
D.State courts were to be the primary courts with the federal courts possessing jurisdiction over a select group
of cases.

i think A is answer ? am i right


C can be but not sure

The answer is C.

No, option A is not the correct answer. The correct answer is D: State courts were to be the primary courts with the federal courts possessing jurisdiction over a select group of cases.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the framing of the U.S. Constitution and the intentions of the Framers regarding the relationship between state and federal courts.

The Framers of the Constitution intended for a federal system of government, where power is shared between the national government and state governments. They recognized the importance of both state and federal courts in the judicial system.

Under the Constitution, state courts maintain jurisdiction over most legal matters, including criminal cases and civil disputes that fall within the purview of state law. State courts handle the majority of legal cases that arise within their respective states.

On the other hand, the federal courts were created to have jurisdiction over cases involving federal law, disputes between states, and cases related to the Constitution. Federal courts were established to serve as a check and balance on state courts, which means that they possess jurisdiction over a select group of cases where federal involvement is necessary.

Therefore, the correct option is D: State courts were to be the primary courts with the federal courts possessing jurisdiction over a select group of cases.