I also have another question. I have to write 5 phrases with the direct pronouns and make it faire causatif. I also have to to do the same for the indirect pronouns. But im not sure how to?

I'll send this to Sra.

All object pronouns go in front of the verb faire and in the usual order for an affirmative sentence.

J'ai fait laver la voiture. = I had the car washed
Je l'ai fait laver. = I had it washed.

J'ai fait laver la voiture par (or à) David. = I had the car washed by David OR I had David wash the car.
Je la lui fait laver. = I had it washed by him OR I had him wash it.

Here is the usual word order:
me, te, nous, vous BEFORE
le, la, les BEFORE
lui, leur BEFORE
en + the verb.

By the way, the "faire causative" is not used ONLY in the passé composé.

Je fais laver la voiture par/à David = I am having David wash the car OR I'm having the car washed by David.
Je la lui fais laver. = I am having it washed by him OR I'm having him wash it.

(I thought I typed this out earlier, but whe I went to check it wasn't on the board!

I'll flag it as well, in case you have further qestions.

Sra (aka Mme)

Also, I thought I mentioned that there is no agreement of the past participlé "fait" with a preceding object pronoun.

Sra (aka Mme)

To form sentences using direct pronouns in the faire causatif construction, you need to follow a specific structure. Here's how you can create 5 phrases using direct pronouns in faire causatif:

1. Choose a verb that requires a direct object. For example, let's use "manger" (to eat).
2. Start with the subject (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) followed by the verb faire conjugated accordingly.
For example: Je fais (I make/do).
3. Add the direct pronoun (me, te, le/la, nous, vous, les) before the verb.
For example: Je le fais (I make/do it).
4. Complete the phrase with the infinitive form of the verb that represents the original action. In this case, "manger."
For example: Je le fais manger (I make/do eat it).

Repeat this process with different verbs and pronouns to create your five phrases. Here's an example using other pronouns:

1. Verb: Boire (to drink)
2. Phrase: Tu le fais boire (You make/do him/her drink it)

Now, let's move on to creating phrases with indirect pronouns in faire causatif:

1. Choose a verb that requires an indirect object. For example, let's use "donner" (to give).
2. Start with the subject followed by the verb faire conjugated accordingly.
For example: Je fais (I make/do).
3. Add the indirect pronoun (me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur) after the verb.
For example: Je lui fais (I make/do to him/her).
4. Complete the phrase with the infinitive form of the verb representing the original action. In this case, "donner."
For example: Je lui fais donner (I make/do him/her give it).

Again, repeat this process with different verbs and pronouns to create five phrases. Here's an example using other pronouns:

1. Verb: Envoyer (to send)
2. Phrase: Nous leur faisons envoyer (We make/do them send it)

Remember to choose different verbs, subjects, direct pronouns, and indirect pronouns to create unique phrases.