
I see mismatched brackets ...

is it

(the brackets going left must have the same count as the brackets to the right)

if -2(x-3y)-3(x+5y)-(6x-8y)

= -2x + 6y - 3x - 15y - 6x + 8y
= -11x - y

if -2(x-3y)-(3x+5y)-(6x-8y) .
= -2x + 6y - 3x - 5y - 6x + 8y
= -11x + 9y

To simplify the given expression -2(x-3y)-3x+5y)-(6x-8y), you can follow the order of operations, which is also known as the PEMDAS rule (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction) to simplify the expression step by step.

Let's start by applying the distributive property to -2(x-3y):

-2(x-3y) = -2 * x + 2 * 3y = -2x + 6y

Now we rewrite the expression with the simplified portion:

(-2x + 6y - 3x + 5y)-(6x - 8y)

Next, let's remove the parentheses by distributing the negative sign inside (-):

-2x + 6y - 3x + 5y - 6x + 8y

Now, we can combine like terms. Terms with the same variable and exponent can be combined by adding or subtracting their coefficients:

(-2x - 3x - 6x) + (6y + 5y + 8y)

Combining the x terms:

-2x - 3x - 6x = -11x

Combining the y terms:

6y + 5y + 8y = 19y

Therefore, the simplified expression is -11x + 19y.