x^7 * y^3 * x^8 * y^2

can you help me find the answer?

Is there more to this?

If not then: X^15*Y^5

Thank you

Sure! To simplify the expression x^7 * y^3 * x^8 * y^2, you can use the properties of exponents. Here's how you can simplify it step by step:

First, let's focus on the x terms. When we multiply two exponential expressions with the same base, we add their exponents. So, x^7 * x^8 can be simplified as x^(7 + 8), which equals x^15.

Next, let's simplify the y terms. Similarly, when we multiply two exponential expressions with the same base, we add their exponents. So, y^3 * y^2 can be simplified as y^(3 + 2), which equals y^5.

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is x^15 * y^5.

Therefore, the answer is x^15 * y^5.