sixty complete waves passes a particular point in 4 seconds if the distance between 3 successive troughs of the wave is 15m.calculate the speed of the wave


To calculate the speed of the wave, we need to determine the distance traveled by the wave in a given time.

- Number of complete waves passing a point = 60 waves
- Time taken for these 60 waves to pass = 4 seconds
- Distance between three successive troughs of the wave = 15 meters

First, let's calculate the distance traveled by one complete wave:
Since one complete wave consists of one trough and one crest, the distance traveled by one complete wave is twice the distance between three successive troughs.

Distance traveled by one complete wave = 2 * (15 meters) = 30 meters

Now, let's calculate the distance traveled by 60 complete waves (as given in the problem):
Distance traveled by 60 complete waves = distance traveled by one complete wave * number of complete waves
Distance traveled by 60 complete waves = 30 meters * 60 = 1800 meters

Next, let's calculate the speed of the wave by dividing the total distance traveled by the time taken:
Speed of the wave = Distance traveled / Time taken
Speed = 1800 meters / 4 seconds = 450 meters per second

Therefore, the speed of the wave is 450 meters per second.