Post a total of 200 to 300 words in response to the following items View the succession of the ecosystem in the Succession animation. Is it primary or secondary succession? Explain your answer.

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To determine if the succession in the animation is primary or secondary, we need to understand the difference between these two types of succession.

Primary succession occurs in an ecosystem that is starting from scratch, where no previous community or soil exists. This process typically begins with bare rock or a barren landscape, and over time, pioneer species like lichens and mosses colonize the area. These early colonizers break down the rock and create soil, enabling the growth of more complex plants. Primary succession usually occurs in environments that have undergone a major disturbance such as volcanic eruptions or the retreat of glaciers.

Secondary succession, on the other hand, occurs in an ecosystem that has been disturbed but still retains its soil and some remnants of its previous community. The disturbance can be due to events like wildfires, deforestation, or human activities. In this type of succession, the ecosystem regenerates with the return of a variety of plant and animal species from seeds, roots, or spores that were not completely wiped out by the disturbance.

By examining the animation, we can look for clues to determine the type of succession taking place. If we observe that the ecosystem starts from bare rock or a barren landscape with no sign of previous organisms, it suggests primary succession. On the other hand, if we see the presence of plants or additional species that indicate a prior community, it indicates secondary succession.

Without viewing the animation directly, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. However, by understanding the characteristics of primary and secondary succession, you can now watch the animation and analyze the elements to determine whether the succession depicted is primary or secondary. Remember to observe the starting conditions, the appearance of pioneer species, and the presence or absence of prior organisms in order to make an informed conclusion.