I know these lines are Consonance

“He shone bright , and on the right”

“ Went down into the sea”

But I need to know the effect of what is the tone or mood or theme in these two lines in the poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

What do you think?

Maybe happy ? because it was bright and since it was bright he went down to the sea on the right time ?

I think the poet is describing the sunset.

Oh so relaxing ? looking at the sunset go from being bright to being dark and going into the sea ?

But I thought the weather wasn't relaxing :/

It could be that. It could also be forboding. With the darkness comes mystery. What will happen in the dark? You have to interpret the line in the context of the rest of the poem, not all by itself.

Thank you so much ! :)

Hang on here. The mariner is telling how the ship sailed. The sun was bright and came up on the left and set on the right. Good weather. You have to read the whole stanza, the whole section of the poem, to understand it. You can't do it based on one line. Based on the one line, it could be anything.

Oh okay thank you so much ones again , This is what I wrote though

" Its a beautiful weather Relaxing looking at the sunset from being bright to getting dark and going into the sea. But I would be relaxing too until the dark comes because you don’t know what can happen in the dark. It would make me feel forbidding because the darkness becomes mystery. "

In the context of the poem, there is no forboding here at all. It's smooth sailing for this ship, at this point in the poem. One line all by itself cannot be interpreted all by itself! Read the poem! Then you will be able to answer these questions by yourself.

Thank you !