How does the C horizon form?

Rainwater washes clay minerals from the A horizon to the C horizon
Plant roots weather pieces of rock
plants add organic material to the soil
bedrock weathers, and breaks up into soil particles.**

What makes up soil besides rock particles, minerals, air, and water?
Color and chemistry
texture and pore space
decayed organic matter**

A geologist is studying a layer of soil in the Sahara. The soil layer contains little humus but a lot of clay and other rock particles. Which soil layer is it?
A horizon
B horizon**
C horizon

I think your answers are correct.

what is the answer?

To understand how the C horizon forms, we need to look at the processes that influence soil formation. There are five factors that contribute to soil formation: parent material, climate, organisms, topography, and time. The C horizon is formed through the process of weathering and the movement of minerals and clay particles within the soil profile.

Now, let's break down the options you provided to determine which one is responsible for the formation of the C horizon:

1. Rainwater washes clay minerals from the A horizon to the C horizon.
This statement is correct. Rainwater can transport clay minerals from the upper horizons (A and E horizons) to the lower horizons (C horizon).

2. Plant roots weather pieces of rock.
While plant roots can contribute to weathering processes, they primarily play a role in the formation of the O (organic) horizon rather than directly forming the C horizon.

3. Plants add organic material to the soil.
This statement refers to the formation of the O horizon, where organic matter accumulates at the soil surface. It does not directly contribute to the formation of the C horizon.

4. Bedrock weathers and breaks up into soil particles.
This statement is correct. Bedrock weathering is an essential process that contributes to the formation of the C horizon by breaking down rocks into smaller soil particles.

Based on the explanations above, option (4) "Bedrock weathers and breaks up into soil particles" is the correct answer. The C horizon is primarily composed of weathered rock particles that have been transported downward by water and gravity.

The answer is A.
