Can someone please give me an example how sense and perception and behavior are link together

I am not sure if I am understanding it to good So If I am wrong please let me know. I believe they are link in how we see things is not always how are mind perceives it so when our brain send signals to our body to react to what we saw is the behavior.

Please let me know

Our senses -- smelling, hearing, seeing, touching, and tasting -- give us our initial information.

How we perceive these stimuli affect our behavior. If I hear loud, discordant music, I'll perceive it as offensive, and turn off the sound (behavior). If I hear a political speech from a person I admire, I perceive it as important, and vote for that person.

You are on the right track in understanding the link between sense, perception, and behavior. Let me explain further.

Sense refers to our ability to detect and perceive the world around us through our sensory organs such as our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. These sensory organs receive information from the external environment and transmit it to our brain.

Perception, on the other hand, is the process by which our brain organizes and interprets the information received from our senses. It involves mental processes such as attention, memory, and interpretation. Perception helps us make sense of the sensory input and create meaningful representations of the world.

Behavior is the way we act or respond to our perceptions and experiences. It encompasses our actions, reactions, and observable activities.

So, how are sense, perception, and behavior linked together? Let's consider an example:

Imagine you are walking through a park, and you see a dog approaching you. The sensory organ, in this case, would be your eyes, which detect the visual stimuli of the dog. This information is then transmitted to your brain.

Here comes the role of perception. Your brain processes the visual input and identifies it as a dog based on its shape, size, color, and movement. It also retrieves stored information from your memory that relates to dogs, such as previous experiences and associations.

Once you have perceived the dog, your brain sends signals to your body, which leads to certain behavioral responses. These responses can include various actions, such as feeling fear or excitement, deciding to pet the dog or avoid it, or your body language, like stepping back or moving closer.

In this example, your perception of the dog influenced your behavior, whether it was approaching the dog or walking away from it.

It's important to note that the link between sense, perception, and behavior is not a one-way street. Our behavior can also influence our perception and how we perceive the world. For instance, our expectations, emotions, and cultural background can shape how we interpret sensory information and influence our behavioral responses.

I hope this explanation clarifies the relationship between sense, perception, and behavior for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!