find a number that: it is a 3 digit number larger than 399 and smaller than 500 both digits in the tens place and ones place are odd and their sum is equal to 5 the digit in the ones place is larger than the digit in the tens

if the digits are a,b,c we see that


Then we are doomed. If b and c are both odd, they cannot sum to 5, which is also odd.

And how about a little punctuation? That run-on sentence is very annoying.

The number are 432,441

To find a number that meets all these conditions, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by finding the possible odd digits that can be in the tens and ones places, which sum to 5. The possible combinations are:

- Tens place: 1, 3
- Ones place: 4, 1

Step 2: Since the digit in the ones place must be larger than the digit in the tens place, the possible combinations are:

- Tens place: 1
- Ones place: 4

Step 3: Combine the digits found in step 2 to form a 3-digit number:

- The number satisfying all the given conditions is 414.

To find the number that meets the given criteria, we can break down the problem into smaller steps:

Step 1: The number should be a 3-digit number larger than 399 and smaller than 500.
This means the number should be between 400 and 499, inclusive.

Step 2: Both digits in the tens and ones places are odd, and their sum is equal to 5.
The possible odd digits are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. To satisfy the condition that their sum is equal to 5, there are a few combinations we can consider:
- 1 + 4 = 5
- 3 + 2 = 5
- 5 + 0 = 5
Note that we cannot use the combination 7 + (-2) or 9 + (-4) because negative digits are not allowed.

Step 3: The digit in the ones place should be larger than the digit in the tens place.
Considering the combinations from Step 2, the only combination that satisfies this condition is 3 + 2 = 5.

Therefore, the number that meets all the given criteria is 432.