The soda was found to have a sugar concentration of 9.6% (wt./vol.). How many teaspoons of sugar are in a can of soda? (One can is 12fl.oz or 355mL) (1 teaspoon is approx. 4g)

9.6% w/v = 9.6 g sugar/100 mL solution.

g sugar in the can is 9.6 x (355/100) = approx 34 g (but you should do it more accurately). What does that 1 tsp = 4g mean? 4g of what? 4g of the fluid? 4 g of sugar? the mass of the teaspoon? I will assume the mass sugar in 1 teaspoon is 4 grams sugar.
# tsp sugar x (4 g sugar/tsp) = 34.
Solve for # tsp sugar. I may have interpreted the problem wrong; if so please give me the proper information.

To determine the number of teaspoons of sugar in a can of soda, we can follow these steps:

1. Convert the volume of the can from fluid ounces (fl.oz) to milliliters (mL).
- 1 fl.oz is approximately equal to 29.5735 mL. Therefore, 12 fl.oz is equal to 355 mL.

2. Calculate the weight of sugar in grams (g) using the sugar concentration given.
- The sugar concentration is 9.6% (wt./vol.), which means there are 9.6 grams of sugar in every 100 mL of soda.
- Since the can has a volume of 355 mL, the weight of sugar in the can is (9.6 g/100 mL) * 355 mL = 34.08 g.

3. Convert the weight of sugar from grams to teaspoons using the conversion rate given.
- The conversion rate is 1 teaspoon is approximately equal to 4 grams.
- Divide the weight of sugar (34.08 g) by the conversion rate to get the number of teaspoons.
- 34.08 g / 4 g = 8.52 teaspoons.

Therefore, there are approximately 8.52 teaspoons of sugar in a can of soda.