How does the playing of scales echo the return to tradition in “Prayer”?

A. Scales are ornamental and challenging.
B. Scales are foundational and methodical.
C. The meter of scales matches that of the sonnet.
D. The piano is a source of traditional music.

B ?

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To determine how the playing of scales echoes the return to tradition in "Prayer," we need to analyze the given options and think critically about their relevance to the poem. Here's an explanation of each option to help you find the right answer:

A. Scales are ornamental and challenging:
This option suggests that scales are decorative and difficult to play. While this may be true, it doesn't directly connect to the theme of returning to tradition in "Prayer." Therefore, this option is less likely to be the correct answer.

B. Scales are foundational and methodical:
This option suggests that scales serve as a fundamental building block in music and follow a systematic approach. Traditional music often adheres to established rules and methods, so this option seems more aligned with the idea of returning to tradition. Therefore, it could be a potential correct answer.

C. The meter of scales matches that of the sonnet:
This option suggests a connection between the rhythm of scales and the structure of a sonnet. However, "Prayer" does not explicitly mention sonnets or their meter. Without a clear reference to sonnets in the poem, this option is less likely to be the correct answer.

D. The piano is a source of traditional music:
This option highlights the piano as an instrument associated with traditional music. While this may be true, the question specifically asks about the role of scales in echoing the return to tradition. The piano alone being a source of traditional music doesn't provide direct evidence to support this connection. Therefore, this option is less likely to be the correct answer.

Considering the explanations provided, option B, "Scales are foundational and methodical," seems to be the best fit for explaining how the playing of scales echoes the return to tradition in "Prayer." Scales serve as a fundamental practice in music and align with the systematic approach often found in traditional music.