Imagine that you have taken a new job as head of Human Relations (HR) for an up-and-coming software firm. Your 150 employees are hip, smart and tech savvy. They are also big cell phone users. Cell phones are an important tool for your business communications, and you don't want to ruin the company atmosphere of embracing new technology. However, the number of cell phone calls and texts happening in meetings and public areas has become overwhelming.

As the HR manager, compose a short email memo advising your employees on cell phone etiquette. Choose a tone and level of formality that you feel is appropriate. Remember to provide a course of action for employees who want to provide feedback.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

an outline for the letter would be nice

What do you want to tell the employees. What do you want them to do about the phones?

Subject: Cellular Phone Etiquette Reminder

Dear Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to take a moment to address a matter that concerns our growing software firm and its exciting future. While we embrace and encourage the use of technology in our everyday work, it has come to my attention that the increased number of cell phone calls and texts in meetings and public areas has become overwhelming for some of our colleagues.

Maintaining a productive and respectful work environment is crucial for us all to thrive and reach our collective goals. Therefore, I kindly request your cooperation in following a few guidelines regarding cell phone usage:

1. Be Mindful of Meetings: During meetings, it is important to dedicate your full attention to the discussion at hand. Please refrain from using your cell phones for personal calls, texting, or browsing the internet. If you are expecting an urgent call or message, please inform your colleagues beforehand or step out to take the call discreetly.

2. Be Considerate in Public Areas: Public areas such as break rooms, hallways, and open workspaces should remain conducive to collaboration and communication. Limit your cellphone usage in these spaces to work-related matters. If you need to make or take a personal call, please find a more private space to do so.

3. Silent Mode and Notifications: To minimize distractions, please ensure that your cell phone is on silent or vibrate mode during work hours. Additionally, configure your notifications so that they do not disturb others with constant alerts and sounds.

I am confident that by adhering to these guidelines, we will create an environment that fosters uninterrupted productivity while respecting each other's privacy and concentration.

We value your feedback and want to provide an avenue for you to voice any concerns or suggestions regarding cell phone etiquette or any other matter relevant to our workplace. If you have any thoughts or recommendations, please feel free to share them with me directly or through our anonymous feedback channel.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Let us continue to embrace new technology while maintaining an atmosphere that supports the success of our team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
Head of Human Relations (HR)