Sarita used 54 ounces of apples to make an apple pie. How many pounds and ounces of apples did Sarita use?

3 lbs and 6 ozs

Wells uf you think and do the math you Will get 3 Lbs and 6 Oz

she used 3lbs and 6 ozs.

well, 3 lbs is 48 oz.


Sariah used 54 apples to make pie. how many pound and ounce did she use ?

To convert ounces to pounds and ounces, we need to remember that there are 16 ounces in 1 pound.

So, to find out the equivalent in pounds and ounces, we can use division and modulus.

First, divide 54 by 16 to get the number of pounds:

54 รท 16 = 3 remainder 6

This means that Sarita used 3 pounds of apples. The remainder, 6 ounces, represents the remaining ounces.

Therefore, Sarita used 3 pounds and 6 ounces of apples to make the apple pie.