This year, Rosa harvested 60 cucumbers, 25 tomatoes, and 15 peppers from her garden. In a circle graph of this data, what angle measure (in degrees) should Rosa use for the peppers section?

She harvested 100 fruits and vegetables.

60% are cucumbers.

0.6 * 360 = _______ degrees

To find the angle measure for the peppers section in the circle graph, we first need to calculate the proportion of peppers in relation to the total number of vegetables harvested.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of vegetables harvested.
Total = Cucumbers + Tomatoes + Peppers = 60 + 25 + 15 = 100

Step 2: Calculate the proportion of peppers.
Proportion = (Number of Peppers) / (Total Number of Vegetables) = 15 / 100 = 0.15

Step 3: Convert the proportion to degrees.
To convert a proportion to degrees, we need to multiply it by 360 (since a circle has 360 degrees).
Angle Measure = Proportion * 360 = 0.15 * 360 = 54 degrees

Therefore, Rosa should use an angle measure of 54 degrees for the peppers section in the circle graph.