Cafeteria Lunch Buffet

A cafeteria lunch buffet has the salads shown.
6 chicken salads
10 egg salads
8 tuna salads
p pasta salads

The cafeteria workers plan to make twice as many fruit salads as tuna salads and pasta salads combined.

Part A
Using p to represent the number of pasta salads, write an expression that can be used to determine the number of fruit salads the cafeteria workers plan to make. Use your expression to compute the number of fruit salads they will make if p = 5. .Show your work.

Part B
The cafeteria sold 3/4 of the chicken, egg, and tuna salads combined. Each salad sold for $7.99. What was the total sales amount for chicken, egg, and tuna salads? Show your work.

Part C
The next day the cafeteria workers will increase the number of chicken salads to 9 and the number of tuna salads to 12. They want to increase the number of egg salads by the same ratio. How many egg salads should they make the next day? Show your work

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