Males are arrested at rates much higher than females for the following crimes

A) murder.
B) .
C) fraud.
D) weapon offenses.

Would the answer be A?

Isn't B a more reasonable answer?

It could be but I hardly hear of any woman murdering.

Heather, what does your textbook say? I think Ms. Sue is right, but have not read your class materials.

I couldn't find it in my text. The ones I am asking I can't find. I have read my chapter. All 5 of them.

Okay. I believe you can't find it. It may well be there, though, or else this question would not be asked. But think about it. Women ARE arrested and convicted in murder cases. Think about the crime of . Without going into "the birds and the bees," it's much more difficult for a woman to commit than it is for a man to do so.

Fraud. With men at 63%.

All others are in the 90%s

To find the correct answer, we need to analyze each option and determine if males are arrested at higher rates compared to females for the crime mentioned.

A) Murder: Typically, males are arrested at higher rates than females for murder. So, it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B) : Males are usually the perpetrators in cases of , and females are typically the victims. Therefore, it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

C) Fraud: Both males and females can be involved in fraudulent activities. However, without specific data, we cannot determine if males are arrested at higher rates for fraud compared to females. So, it could be a potential correct answer.

D) Weapon Offenses: Generally, males are arrested at higher rates than females for weapon offenses. Therefore, it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, the most likely correct answer is C) fraud since there is no clear trend indicating that males are arrested at higher rates for fraud compared to females. However, it is important to note that the definitive answer may depend on specific data and contexts within a certain jurisdiction.