The Preamble includes the phrase "to form a more perfect union." Why is this reason listed for creating a new Constitution?

Plans were made to expand to the Pacific Ocean.

The British had provided economic support.

The Articles of Confederation did not work.

Some states wanted British rule.****

i GOT IT! iT IS ACTUALLY The Articles of Confederation did not work.

Sorry bout caps! Just saw + realized.

You got it! :)

The reason "to form a more perfect union" is listed in the Preamble as one of the reasons for creating a new Constitution because the Articles of Confederation, the initial governing document of the United States, did not effectively unite the states and provide a strong central government. The phrase "to form a more perfect union" suggests that the framers of the Constitution aimed to establish a stronger and more cohesive relationship among the states.

To determine the correct reason listed for creating a new Constitution, we need to evaluate each option given:

1. "Plans were made to expand to the Pacific Ocean": While westward expansion was a significant factor in the development of the United States, it is not explicitly stated as a reason in the Preamble.

2. "The British had provided economic support": While economic factors played a role in the decision to create a new Constitution, it is not specifically stated as a reason in the Preamble.

3. "Some states wanted British rule": This option is incorrect. The Preamble reflects the desire to establish a more perfect union among the states, not a desire for British rule.

4. "The Articles of Confederation did not work": This is the correct reason. The phrase "to form a more perfect union" implies that the framers recognized the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation and sought to create a stronger and more effective system of government.

Therefore, the correct reason listed for creating a new Constitution is that the Articles of Confederation did not work.