1. Which of the following stretches from southern Mongolia toward the Huang River in China?

the Gobi Desert
the Himalayas
the North China Plain
the Tibetan Plateau

2. Which of the following places would most likely have hot, humid summers and mild winters?
northern China

3. Which factor most contributes to variation in population distribution in China, Mongolia, and Taiwan?
Large Chinese cities have millions of residents.
Mountain ranges make much of the region too dry to farm.
Mongolia is landlocked, and Taiwan is an island.
China expanded its long-age empire to include many regions.

4. Why does the one-child policy most likely affect only Han Chinese?
Members of other ethnic groups have different religious beliefs.
The Han live mostly in the densely populated east.
Only the Han agreed that the policy was necessary.
Other ethnic groups need a higher birth rate to survive.

Reed, why be snappy? This person is only trying to get answers.



Right reed XD

Karma : I did your answer and my school is dumb it just saves the answers instead of saying if there right or wrong

Have you read your text? Start there.

Karma is 100%!

papaya go to grade book mine does it too

1. To determine which of the options stretches from southern Mongolia toward the Huang River in China, we can look at the geographic locations of each option. The Gobi Desert, the Himalayas, the North China Plain, and the Tibetan Plateau are all prominent physical features in the region. By comparing their locations, we can identify the correct answer.

- The Gobi Desert is located in southern Mongolia and extends towards northern China. Therefore, it is a possible answer.
- The Himalayas are a mountain range that runs along the northern border of India, Nepal, and Bhutan but does not extend towards the Huang River in China. Thus, it is not the correct answer.
- The North China Plain is a low-lying region in northern China and does not stretch from southern Mongolia. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.
- The Tibetan Plateau is a vast elevated region located to the southwest of China and does not stretch towards the Huang River. Hence, it is not the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is the Gobi Desert.

2. To determine which of the options is most likely to have hot, humid summers and mild winters, we can examine the climate patterns in different regions. Hot, humid summers and mild winters are typically associated with specific climatic conditions.

- Mongolia, being located in central Asia, experiences a continental climate with cold, dry winters and short, cool summers. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.
- Northern China is also semi-arid to arid, with hot and dry summers, but it can have very cold winters. Hence, it is not the correct answer.
- Taiwan, situated in the subtropical region, has a humid subtropical climate characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, cool winters. Therefore, it is a possible answer.
- Tibet, being located on the Tibetan Plateau and at high altitudes, has a cold and dry climate with cool summers and very cold winters. Thus, it is not the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is Taiwan.

3. To determine which factor most contributes to population distribution variation in China, Mongolia, and Taiwan, we need to consider the unique characteristics of each region.

- Large Chinese cities having millions of residents is an important factor influencing population distribution within China, but it does not explain the variation across the entire region. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.
- Mountain ranges making much of the region too dry to farm would have an impact on the population distribution, but it does not explain the variation in Mongolia and Taiwan. Hence, it is not the correct answer.
- Mongolia being landlocked and Taiwan being an island contribute to their distinct population distribution patterns as compared to China. Therefore, it is a possible answer.
- China expanding its long-aged empire to include many regions might have historical implications but does not directly explain the current variation in population distribution. Thus, it is not the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is Mongolia being landlocked, and Taiwan being an island.

4. To determine why the one-child policy most likely affects only Han Chinese, we need to consider various factors that may influence its implementation and impact on different ethnic groups.

- Members of other ethnic groups having different religious beliefs are not directly connected to their inclusion or exclusion from the one-child policy. Hence, it is not the correct answer.
- The Han Chinese population is predominantly concentrated in the densely populated eastern regions of China. The one-child policy was primarily enforced in these areas to control population growth. Therefore, it is a possible answer.
- Only the Han Chinese agreeing that the policy was necessary is not a determining factor for its implementation. Thus, it is not the correct answer.
- Other ethnic groups needing a higher birth rate to survive is not a relevant factor for the implementation of the one-child policy. Hence, it is not the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is the Han Chinese primarily living in the densely populated eastern regions of China, where the one-child policy was enforced.

a, d, c, c

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