Write two mixed numbers with a sum of 3.

That actually equals 4.

Oops! Thanks, Anonymous! I goofed!

1 1/4 + 1 3/4 = 3

I need help on my homework

why have you said die?

Thank you Ms. Sue, i was struggling with my homework.

Thank you! Oh! and, it said when i got my membership (for Jiska) that i could change the color of my username to stand out. How do I do that?

12/3 it 21/3



Need a ? ask me

It should be 1 2/3+2 3/4


yeah me to nini

Please exit the building the store is now closed.

1 2/3 + 2 1/3 = 3

Who needs help with their home work I am an A+ student.

I'm sorry -- but our webmaster never followed through on that idea. Jiskha doesn't have memberships.

oh.ok thank you. :(