Find the lateral area of the cone. Use 3.14 for pi and round the result to the nearest whole unit.

The cone is on its side and the radius is 15cm and the length is 28cm

a 1,319 cm^2
b 2,639 cm^2
c 707 cm^2*****
d 2,026 cm^2

I need help desperately I am confused.

Try this. I hope it helps.

This does not help I am looking for lateral area

A = pi * r * l

A = 3.14 * 15 * 28
A = 1318.8 cm^2

Thank you!

can you please tell me how to find the exact surface area of a cylinder

my homework is due tomorrow and i need help now!!!

No problem! I'll be happy to help you out. To find the lateral area of a cone, you need to calculate the area of the curved surface.

The formula to find the lateral area of a cone is given by:

Lateral Area = π × radius × slant height

In this case, the radius of the cone is given as 15 cm, and the length is given as 28 cm. However, the length provided seems to be the slant height, which is the distance from the top of the cone to the base along the curved surface.

So, to calculate the lateral area, you'll need to substitute the known values into the formula:

Lateral Area = 3.14 × 15 cm × 28 cm

Now, multiply 15 cm by 28 cm to get:

Lateral Area = 3.14 × 420 cm^2

Finally, calculate the product:

Lateral Area ≈ 1,319 cm^2

Therefore, the correct answer is option a) 1,319 cm^2.

Remember to round your answer to the nearest whole unit, so 1,319 cm^2 would be the closest whole number to the actual result.