Create an image of an idyllic Middle-Eastern landscape portraying a strong symbol of life and mythology - a river. It winds through a terrain filled with groups of people, indicative of a culture that values relationships. Livestock grazes peacefully nearby, signifying reverence for animals. Majestic trees that are central to the local religion dot the scenery. Transition to an ancient Greek and Roman landscape, where every rock and tree embodies perfect balance and ideal beauty. This landscape is harmonious, balanced, classical, and environmental, representing peace, stability, ideal beauty and nature.

what is the main subject of Persian landscape art, and what does it communicate about the Persian culture and worldview?

A rivers; they represent life and are central to Persian mythology****

B People; Persians enjoy group gatherings and value relationships

c livestock; Persians revere their animals and protect their natural homes

D trees; they represent growth and are central to Persian religion

An artist creates a harmonious landscape where every rock and tree is perfectly balanced. This is an example of which style of landscape painting? What does this style communicate about ancient Greek and Roman cultures and worldviews?

a harmonius; communicates a worldview and culture that values peace

B balanced; communicates a worldview and culture that values stability

c classical; communicates a worldview and culture that values ideal beauty****

d environmental; communicates a
worldview and culture that values nature



That girl is right


1st one is B, second one is correct if you go to connexus

1. by making the object in the foreground larger in comparison the background objects

2. people; Persians enjoy group gatherings and value relationships
3. humans lived in harmony with nature
4. classical; communicates a worldview and culture that values ideal beauty

Thank you! I would've gotten 100%, had I looked and seen that instead of clicking C for the last one like I meant to, I selected D by accident and got it wrong XD.


that girl is correct got 100%

former student is right i got a 100%

That girl is right

Quick Check: Revealing Landscapes: Portraits of Metropolis and Nature
I got 100%

The covenant glassed reach too

thank you people from the past