in a class of 35, all the pupils play at least 1 game, volleyball, netball and hockey. volleyball only 10, those who play netball only 5, those who play hockey only 3, if 2 play all 3 games how many altogether play volleyball

Draw your Venn diagram.

The intersection of all 3 circles is 2
The other 3 numbers are placed outside any intersections.
no of volleyball only : 10
no of netball only: 5
no of hockey.only: 3

So, that means we have accounted for 20 of the 35 students.

The other 15 can play any combination of two of the games, or just one game.

So, therefore the combination of netball and volleyball is t -2
netball and hockey is t -2
volleyball and hockey is t -2

to find t
35 = 10+5+3+2+(t - 2)+(t - 2)+(t-2)
35 = 20 + 3(t-2)
35 = 20 + 3t - 6
so we therefore collect like terms and make t the subject of the formula
35 - 20 + 6 = 3t
21 = 3t
t = 21 ÷ 3
t = 7

so therefore
n(V) = 10 +(t-2)+(t - 2)+ 2
if t = 7
n(V) = 10 +(7 -2)+(7 - 2)+2
n(V) = 10 +5 + 5 + 2
n(V) = 22


15 play equal number of games so the remaining amount after adding the available digits you have will be divided into three for the intersects. 15/3=5. The number of people who play volleyball will be 10 + 2 + 5 + 5 equals 22.

Draw your Venn diagram.

The intersection of all 3 circles is 2
The other 3 numbers are placed outside any intersections.

So, that means we have accounted for 20 of the 35 students.

The other 15 can play any combination of two of the games, or just one game.

So, there could be anywhere from 10+2+15=27 to 10+2=12 who play volleyball.

20 play volley ball altogether

Well, well, well! It sounds like this class is quite the sporty bunch. Let's do some math here. We know that there are 10 students who play only volleyball, 5 students who play only netball, and 3 students who play only hockey.

We also know that 2 students are super athletes who play all three games. So, the total number of students who play either volleyball, netball, or hockey can be calculated as follows:

35 - (10 + 5 + 3) + 2 = 35 - 18 + 2 = 37 - 16 = 19.

Therefore, there are 19 students who play volleyball altogether! Keep those jokes flying high, just like the volleyball in this class!

To find out how many students play volleyball, we need to calculate the total number of students who play volleyball only, as well as those who play volleyball along with other games.

We are given that 10 students play volleyball only, 2 students play all three games, and the total number of students in the class is 35.

First, let's calculate the number of students who play volleyball along with other games:

Total students who play volleyball = Total students who play all three games + Students who play volleyball only

Total students who play volleyball = 2 + 10 = 12

Therefore, there are 12 students in the class who play volleyball.