an aquatic plant known as elodea is shown in the image below. If you observe Elodea leaves over a period of several minutes, you see bubbles forming on the leaf surface that eventually break away and rise to the surface of the water. These bubbles form as a result of photosynthesis.

Susponse that thrre samples of water are prepared as described in the following table. Three indenitical Elodea plants are placed in each of these water samples at the same time. How will the rate of bubble formation compare in the three sample?
SAMPLE/WATERTREATMENT/Rate of bubble/formation
A /Addition of carbon dioxide /?
B /Addition of oxygen /?
C /Degassed to remove all gasses/?

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Omg Jasmine is right

guys it is

trust me 100%

A :D

Jasmine and UR Mom is correct

i took the test and got 100% the answers are



cool me to

How will the rate of bubble formation compare in three samples? *A>B>C*

To determine how the rate of bubble formation will compare in the three water samples, we need to understand the role of carbon dioxide and oxygen in photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This process occurs in specialized cells called chloroplasts, which contain a green pigment called chlorophyll.

In the case of Elodea, when it is exposed to light, it undergoes photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is one of the essential ingredients needed for photosynthesis to occur. Oxygen, on the other hand, is a by-product of photosynthesis and is released into the surrounding environment.

Let's analyze each water sample from the table:

A) Addition of carbon dioxide:
By adding carbon dioxide to sample A, we are providing the necessary ingredient for photosynthesis. Since photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, the Elodea plants in this sample will have abundant resources to carry out the process. Therefore, the rate of bubble formation will likely be high.

B) Addition of oxygen:
By adding oxygen to sample B, we are not providing a limiting factor for photosynthesis. Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis, and an excess amount of it in the water may not significantly affect the plants' ability to produce bubbles. Therefore, the rate of bubble formation may be lower compared to sample A.

C) Degassed to remove all gasses:
In sample C, all gases, including both oxygen and carbon dioxide, have been removed. Without carbon dioxide, Elodea plants will not have the necessary ingredient to carry out photosynthesis. The absence of gases will hinder the plants' ability to produce bubbles. Therefore, the rate of bubble formation will likely be the lowest in sample C.

Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the rate of bubble formation in the three water samples will be in the order A>B>C. Therefore, the correct option is A) A>B>C.