The main process of excretion takes place in the

-small intestine

I think it's the kidneys, because the others are more relatively digestion. Thanks :)

1. B kidneys

2. C fiber
3. B false
4, A true
5. A peristalsis

100% correct i just took the quiz

1. B

2. C
3. False
4. True
5. A

0h dear

1.(B)2.(C)3.(B)4.(A)5.(A) 100% correct


Thank you so much, your reassurance means so much to me :)

Have a great weekend ;)


AnonK is 100% right

yay anonk its correct thankss

Anonk is right, thanks.

Anonk is correct. Just got a 100%

Okay do AnonK is accualy corect...*clicks button* "I am not a Robot"

Anon, dude, while posting that you are correct under different names is annoying, do you really think they're gonna do that into 2017? Because literally no student is that willing to be that good at hiding something like that. I mean, come on. Most of us cheat on this site because either we don't care enough to learn it or we know the material and we don't care to waste our time on questions we know. No one is going to keep up a facade of other people stating they're correct for two years.

btw, AnonK is correct. I got 5/5, 100%, so thanks, AnonK.

AnonK Is correct!

AnonK got me a 100%

thx i got an 100

thanks 100%

AnonK is correct 100%

yup so right just got 100% ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah this is correct.

AnonK is correct yay thanks :)

AnonK got me a 100%

@AnonK is correct!

Tisky legit me

that's just him putting AnonK putting in different names and replying AnonK is correct or 100 percent some might not be but still I hate when people do that there not even offtopic to his question.


@somethin is right

1 b
2 c
3 b
4 a
5 a


I disagree