which piece of evidence supports a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia? A.the hijab B.the five pillars C.women politicians D.prayer outside the home

What is your answer?

the answer is A

is it c it makes more seanc

so is it A or C bc even If it makes sense its not always right...just saying bc I rlly need 2 up me grade srry

To determine which piece of evidence supports a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia, we need to understand the context of Islamic traditions in the country. Saudi Arabia, being an Islamic state, has followed strict Islamic traditions and customs for a long time. However, in recent years, there have been some changes to certain aspects of Islamic tradition, such as women's rights and religious practices. Let's examine each of the options given:

A. The hijab: The hijab is a traditional head covering worn by many Muslim women as an expression of modesty and adherence to Islamic teachings. In Saudi Arabia, for a long time, it has been a requirement for women to wear the hijab in public. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift regarding the enforcement of the hijab. While it is still expected for women to dress modestly, there have been instances of women not wearing the hijab in public without facing legal consequences. This could be seen as an indication of a loosening of Islamic tradition.

B. The five pillars: The five pillars of Islam are the five fundamental acts of worship that are considered obligatory for every Muslim. They include the declaration of faith (Shahada), prayer (Salat), giving to charity (Zakat), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), and pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) for those who are physically and financially able. The five pillars themselves are not directly related to a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia, as they are core tenets of the religion.

C. Women politicians: Historically, women faced many limitations in participating in politics in Saudi Arabia. However, in recent years, Saudi Arabia has taken steps to increase women's involvement in politics. In 2015, women were allowed to vote and run for political office for the first time in the country's history. This move towards gender equality and women's political empowerment can be seen as a sign of a loosening of Islamic tradition.

D. Prayer outside the home: Islamic tradition encourages Muslims to perform daily prayers, ideally in congregation at mosques. In Saudi Arabia, there are strict regulations on the construction and operation of mosques, and prayer outside of mosques is not common. However, in recent years, there have been efforts to allow prayers in public spaces other than mosques, particularly in less densely populated areas. This indicates a relaxation of restrictions on where prayers can be performed, suggesting a loosening of Islamic tradition to some extent.

Based on the explanations provided, options C (women politicians) and D (prayer outside the home) support a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia.