Which of the following types of pathogens can only reproduce itself if it takes over host cells?

A fungi
B bacteria
C virus ***
D protozoa
am i right?

you are right go to brianpop it will tell you what you need

Its D

Yes, you are correct. Pathogens that can only reproduce by taking over host cells are viruses, which is option C in this case.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the characteristics of each option:

A. Fungi: Fungi are a group of microorganisms that can reproduce both sexually and asexually using spores. They do not rely solely on host cells for their reproduction.

B. Bacteria: Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that can reproduce through binary fission, a process where a parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. They do not require host cells to reproduce.

C. Virus: Viruses are infectious agents that are composed of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, encapsulated in a protein coat. Viruses are incapable of independent reproduction and can only replicate by invading and taking over the machinery of host cells.

D. Protozoa: Protozoa are single-celled eukaryotes that can reproduce through binary fission, multiple fission, or sexual reproduction. Although some protozoa may rely on host cells for certain stages of their life cycle, not all of them require host cells for replication.

By considering the unique reproductive strategies of each pathogen, we can determine that viruses are the type of pathogen that can only reproduce by taking over host cells, making option C the correct answer.