What did Harding want to do to return America to "normalcy"?

Here are his words:


I think it was Meneckin who said "Normalcy" is a return to the good old days what never were.

Harding led the US back into isolation from world affairs.

To understand what President Harding aimed to achieve by returning America to "normalcy," we can refer to his speech delivered on May 14, 1920. The speech, often referred to as the "Return to Normalcy" speech, outlined his vision for guiding the country toward stability and progress after the turbulent years of World War I.

To access the speech and get a deeper understanding of Harding's intentions, you can visit the provided link:


In his speech, President Harding pledged to restore the pre-war conditions in America, which he believed represented a state of normalcy. He desired to bring stability and order to the nation, both internally and externally. Harding sought to focus on domestic issues and relieve America from the burdens of international involvement.

Specifically, President Harding aimed to achieve the following through his vision of normalcy:

1. Economic Prosperity: He sought to revive the nation's economy and promote a business-friendly environment. Harding believed that a thriving economy would improve living standards and bring stability to the American people.

2. Limited Government Intervention: Harding believed in reducing government interference in the economy and individual lives. He advocated for lower taxes, reduced regulation, and a more laissez-faire economic approach to allow businesses to flourish.

3. World Peace: Harding's normalcy also meant stepping back from international affairs and focusing on domestic concerns. He aimed to avoid further involvement in overseas conflicts and promote isolationism as a way to safeguard American interests.

It's important to note that Harding's concept of normalcy was met with some criticism. As you mentioned, journalist H.L. Mencken famously commented that normalcy referred to a return to a past that never truly existed.

In summary, President Harding's vision of normalcy was centered on economic recovery, limited government intervention, and a more isolationist foreign policy. Accessing the link to his speech will provide you with more context and insight into his vision for America.