The ratio of blueberries to blackberries in a fruit smoothie is 4:12. What percent of the drink is blueberry?

4:12 = 4/12 = 1/3 = 0.33 = 33 1/3%

Do you not add blueberries to blackberries to find total berries in the smoothie? Then divide? 4blue +12black = 16 berries so 4:16 =25%

To find the percentage of the drink that is made up of blueberries, we need to determine the portion or fraction of blueberries based on the given ratio.

The ratio of blueberries to blackberries is 4:12, which can be simplified to 1:3 by dividing both numbers by 4.

So, for every 1 part of blueberries, there are 3 parts of blackberries in the smoothie.

To calculate the fraction of blueberries in the smoothie, we divide the number of blueberries by the total number of berries:

Fraction of blueberries = 1 / (1 + 3) = 1/4

To convert this fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100:

Percentage of blueberries = 1/4 * 100 = 25%

Therefore, 25% of the fruit smoothie is made up of blueberries.

To find the percentage of blueberries in the fruit smoothie, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the total ratio of blueberries to blackberries.
The total ratio of blueberries to blackberries is 4:12, which can be simplified to 1:3 by dividing both numbers by 4.

Step 2: Calculate the sum of the simplified ratio.
Adding the two numbers of the simplified ratio gives us a sum of 1 + 3 = 4.

Step 3: Find the percentage of blueberries.
To find the percentage of blueberries in the fruit smoothie, divide the numerator of the blueberry ratio by the sum of the simplified ratio and multiply by 100.
- Blueberry ratio: 1 (numerator)
- Total ratio: 4 (sum of the simplified ratio)

Percentage of blueberries = (1/4) * 100 = 25%

Therefore, 25% of the fruit smoothie is made up of blueberries.