Evaluate the extent to which peer pressure can impact negatively on intrapersonal conflict. Give two well explained examples to support your the answer

evaluate the extent to which peer pressure can impact negatively on intrapersonal conflict

If you have low selfeestem

Peer pressure can impact negatively on the individual's mind , because it often forces individuals to do things in which they are not comfortable with

I don't know help me

it is the bad effect way which teenagers apply on their friends

What are the impact of the peer pressure on the enviroment or human health.

bad behaviour

Can have negative impact because sometimes you discover the stress which is harmful which can lead to dead

evaluate to which peer pressure can impact negetively on intrapersonal confict

What is peer pressure? If you don't know, look it up by Googling "peer pressure." What kind of intrapersonal conflict happens when one's peers want you to do something you know is wrong, but are afraid to look "uncool" or "chicken?"

To be stupid