What was the compromise made in the Missouri Compromise? Please help Ms. Sue.

A) To create a slave state and a non slave state.

B) To create a free state where fugitive slaves could live.
C) To establish a line between slave and a non slave states.
D) To settle a disagreement between Missouri and Arkansas


Thank you so much =) Could you please help me with some other questions?

You're welcome. I'll be glad to help you with other questions. However, I can be of more help if you post your answers.


Which action during westward expansion had the most negative impact on the lives of slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Act

The Mexican-American War

The Treaty of Washington

The Missouri Compromise of 1820

I'll be glad to help you by checking your answer.

is it A?

Yes. A is correct.

Yay thank you=) can you help me with some more?

:-) Sure.

what was an effect of the California gold rush in 1849?

Many people discovered gold, became rich, and established multiple mining towns in California.

The president authorized the forced removal of the Sioux tribes in California where gold was discovered.

An influx of settlers from the U.S. and the world led to the growth of numerous cities in the West.

Conflicts between U.S. settlers and foreign miners from China and Europe resulted in military action.

I think its A

I disagree.

Is it C?

Yes. C is the answer.

Two of my ancestors went to the gold rush and brought back enough gold to buy farms in the Midwest. They were definitely not rich -- but more successful than many other gold rushers

That's really cool! A couple more questions...

In Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that Native American tribes were sovereign states. How did this affect Cherokee removal?

The federal government had to allow the Cherokee to vote on removal.

The federal government removed the Cherokee anyway.

The state of Georgia allowed some Cherokee to remain.

The state of Georgia was required to pay the Cherokee for their land.

Is it A or C

Do you know what the answer is?

Neither A nor C.
