A countertop is 16 feet long and 3 feet wide

in square meters plz

this makes zero sense, please explain

Do you want the area in square feet or square meters?

Your dimensions are given in feet.

The countertop is 16 feet long and 3 feet wide the cost $28 per square meter how much will it cost to cover the countertop with new tile

So the counter top is 16 feet? and 3 feet wide? How does that equal $28?

what is the area of the countertop in square meters

tiles cost 28 per square meter. How much will it cost to cover the countertop with new tile

ok so how do I solve the problem

If you answer my question, I'll show you how to solve the problem.

A countertop is 16 feet long and 3 feet wide what is the area of the countertop in square meters

your mom

whats the question..?

16 feet = 4.8768 meters

3 feet = 0.9144 meter

A = LW
A = 4.8768 * 0.9144
A = 4.45934592 square meters

28 * 4.45934592 = 124.86168576 = $124.86