Ratio of tickets Mark to Julia is 4:3. Julia has 36 tickets. How many tickets did they have together?

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4/3 = x/36

3x = 144

x = 48

Mark has 48 tickets


To find the number of tickets Mark has, we can set up a proportion based on the ratio of tickets between Mark and Julia.

Given that the ratio of tickets between Mark and Julia is 4:3, we can write it as:

4/3 = x/36

To solve this proportion, we can cross multiply:

4*36 = 3*x

Simplifying, we have:

144 = 3x

Dividing both sides by 3, we get:

x = 144/3

x = 48

So, Mark has 48 tickets.

To find the number of tickets they had together, we can simply add the number of tickets Mark and Julia have:

Total tickets = Mark's tickets + Julia's tickets

Total tickets = 48 + 36

Total tickets = 84

Therefore, they had 84 tickets together.