Alana spent $21 of her $300 paycheck on a gift. What percent of her paycheck was spent on the gift?

21/300 = 0.07 = 7%


FoRtNiTe My GuY sHeEeEeEeSh

u play fortnite hit me up

8 / 2 = 4

Guys this is a learning website. Not to tell people if you play fortnite.

I play Fortnite use my username add me NaeNae1010 make sure n are capital I’m really good girl who play like a pro

At Pizza Planet, 9% of the pizzas made last week had extra cheese. If 27 pizzas had extra cheese, how many pizzas in all were made last week?

alana spent $21 of her $300 paycheck on a gift. what percent of her paycheck was spent on the gift

the answer is PENGAS

ay i play fortnite u can hit me up