Which lines from "The City is So Big" contains a simile?

A. The city is so big/ its bridges quake with fear
B. The lights sliding from house to house/ And trains pass with windows shining
C. And trains pass with windows shining/ Like a smile full of teeth
D. I have seen machines eating houses/ And stairways walk all by themselves
Is the answer C?
Thank you


The answer is C.

Yes, the correct answer is C. The line "And trains pass with windows shining/ Like a smile full of teeth" contains a simile. It compares the shining windows of passing trains to a smile full of teeth.

Yes, the answer is C. "And trains pass with windows shining/ Like a smile full of teeth" is an example of a simile because it compares the shining windows of the passing trains to a smile full of teeth. Similes are figures of speech that use "like" or "as" to compare two things that are not alike. To find the answer, you need to analyze each line and look for comparisons using "like" or "as" to identify the simile. In this case, option C fits the description of a simile.