Olga knows that, if she leaves a tray of ice cubes on the counter all night,they are going to melt.Which of the following best describes the probability that the ice cubes will melt if they are left on Olga's kitchen counter all night?

0,0.1,1 or 100....is the answer 0.1?


If you're completely sure about something, you are 100% sure. A perfect test score is 100%.

To determine the probability that the ice cubes will melt if left on Olga's kitchen counter all night, we would need more information. However, based on the given statement that Olga knows the ice cubes will melt, we can assume that the probability of the ice cubes melting is either 0 or 1.

A probability of 0 means that it is impossible for the ice cubes to melt, while a probability of 1 means that it is certain the ice cubes will melt. Since Olga knows they will melt, it is likely that the answer is 1.

Therefore, the best choice from the options provided is 1.