An intricate depiction of a vibrant autumn scene in Delaware. It's a contest where individuals develop innovative cannons and catapults, each designed to launch pumpkins into the sky, aiming to have them reach as high as possible. You can see a pumpkin that just got launched, soaring high in the vibrant blue sky, with an imaginary graph showing the trajectory of the pumpkin along the equation y=15+110x-16x^2. However, remember that there's no actual numbers or text on the graph or the image itself.

Every year in Delaware there is a contest where people create cannons and catapults designed to launch pumpkins as far in the air as possible. the equation y=15+110x-16x^2 can be used to represent the height, y, of a launched pumpkin, where x is the time in seconds that the pumpkin has been in the air. What is the maximum height that the pumpkin reaches? How many seconds have passed when the pumpkin hits the ground?

A.The pumpkin's maximum height is 204.06 feet and it hits the ground after 7.01 seconds
B.The pumpkin's maximum height is 3.44 feet and it hits the ground after 7.01 seconds
C.The pumpkin's maximum height is 204.06 feet and it hits the ground after 3.44 seconds D.The pumpkin's maximum height is 3.44 feet and it hits the ground after 204.06 seconds

The pumpkins maximum height is 204.06 feet and it hits the ground after 3.44 seconds! (c)

Rach's answer is definitely wrong. Not only is it wrong math-wise, logically, the pumpkin wouldn't take 3 seconds to fall from 200 ft. (Unless it was as heavy as a car, then maybe) But the answer is A. Thank you all, and remember, it's not cheating if you're not caught!

Its a shame this was never answered, ill be back later to post the answer if i can, for the people who look it up in the future.

Rach's answer has 0 dislikes, imma have to go with C

Doesn't matter how heavy the object is, it will fall at the same speed, Newtons laws my friend. There is no air resistance in algebra.

"Every year in Delaware there is a contest where people cannons and catapults designed to launch pumpkins as far in the air as possible. The equation y = 15 + 110x - 16x^2 can be used to represent the height, y, of a launched pumpkin, where x is the time in seconds that the pumpkin has been in the air. What is the maximum height that the pumpkin reaches? How many seconds have passed when the pumpkin hits the ground? (Hint: If the pumpkin hits the ground, its height is 0 feet.)"

I can confirm that "The pumpkin's maximum height is 204.06 feet and it hits the ground after 7.01 seconds." is correct.

So is it A or C☠️

The pumpkin’s maximum height is is 204.06 feet and it hits the ground after 7.01 seconds, therefore, the answer is A. Hope this helps.

the answer is A, the height is 204.06 ft and hits the ground after 7.01

ha howd that work out for ya luka💀

Why are people still questioning the answer, the majority of people say a, it’s more than likely a

imma go with c tho

Just go with C.


wtf is it A or C?????

I just plugged it into desmos it's a, why are people saying c.

I know this may sound like the same old gibberish that you all may/may not have heard already, however I can definitely confirm that answers and questions DO VARY depending on the student(s)/schools that the assignment is for. So, please guys, confirm that the question you are analyzing has the same options to choose from, for starters. Then, if you can, confirm the reasoning of the individuals on here that have responded. Then, and only then, will you most likely find the proper answer you seek.


The answer is A everyone. Just use Mathway to graph the given equation and find the vertex and the x intercept that is not at zero. Y would be the height and X would be the time.

the answer is C

For 2022 students the answer is B. The pumpkin’s maximum height is 151.02 feet and hits the ground after 6.04 seconds.

Did you ever get the answer??

find the vertex to find the maximum height

let 0 = 15 + 110t - 16t^2 and solve for t
to get the time it hits the ground.
One of your answers will be negative, you will ignore that one

Would the answer be c?

Is it A or C??

It's A!!


the answer is A!!

kisama!!!! >:(